Practices towards autonomy…



To go further, I offer Qi Gong, Meditation and Relaxation.

Practices that you can do at home.

The goal is to make you autonomous, that you take charge of your well-being through regular practice.

I transmit these practices as part of a follow-up at the office or online.

Individual and personalised sessions. Rates adapted to needs.



« Je médite pour me libérer de toutes les injonctions. »*

Fabrice Midal – Foutez-vous la paix !

*“I meditate to free myself from all injunctions”.

Meditation is learning to meet yourself. You connect with your emotions, your thoughts, your physical sensations and your environment.

Meditation allows you to better understand yourself, to be more forgiving with yourself and to regain confidence.

By meditating, you offer yourself a space of freedom where you can be yourself.

Through regular practice, body and mind experience the practice in ever deeper and more enriching ways.


« gymnastics » for health

Qi Gong is a preventive health practice that combines sequences of movements, postures, breathing, meditation and self-massage.

The movements are slow and done consciously, without force.

It is therefore a gentle practice, accessible to all, without contraindications.

By practising Qi Gong regularly, you maintain your joints, support your organs and activate blood and lymph circulation.

Here is what Thierry Jansen, Doctor of Medicine, says about it in his book La solution intérieure

“Because the practice places great emphasis on breathing, some studies show a notable reduction in the severity of symptoms in asthmatic patients. Others indicate a favorable effect on blood pressure, a reduction in blood cholesterol and an improvement in diabetes.”


a deep relaxation break

You’re going through a difficult time or a period of great stress. A one-off or regular relaxation session helps you to experience them more serenely.

I practise Jacobson relaxation. This is a guided relaxation in which specific muscles are contracted and then released.

This relaxation provides deep relaxation for the body and mind. It’s highly effective, and 30 minutes are enough to regain serenity.

« La seule chose dont vous avez besoin c’est d’être libre. La seule chose dont vous avez besoin c’est d’aimer »*

Anthony De Mello – Quand la conscience s’éveille

*“The only thing you need is to be free. The only thing you need is to love”.

Stéphanie Chapotot, Practitioner in Therapeutic Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Qi Gong and Meditation Practitioner.
Services for individuals and businesses.

Contact details

Siret 89272932800039

Head office
70 boulevard Soult
75012 Paris
06 28 13 25 47

Copyright © 2024 AOZORA | Stephanie Chapotot | All rights reserved | Mentions légales & RGPD

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